Power Restored to a Significant Majority of Downtown Long Beach
Southern California Edison crews successfully restored power to a significant majority of downtown Long Beach on Friday, July 17 at about 9 p.m. The power outage began on Wednesday, July 15 after a series of electrical fires in underground vaults in the area of Third Street and Chestnut Avenue. Since then, SCE has been working to restore power.
Residents and businesses who are still without power are encouraged to reset their circuit breakers. If the power is not restored after this procedure, please report the continued outage to Southern California Edison by calling 1-800-655-4555. SCE representatives will be available via telephone to assist with the circuit breaker procedure, or identify if another issue exists. Power outages can also be reported to SCE at sce.com.
The City and Southern California Edison are aware that the area where the original outage occurred remains without power at this time. SCE will continue to work through the night to restore service to this neighborhood.
Long Beach emergency crews, along with numerous community organizations worked diligently to provide resources to residents in need during the power outage, and will continue to do so until power is restored at all locations. The City of Long Beach extends its sincerest gratitude to the community for their patience and support throughout this incident.
Cesar Chavez Park at 401 Golden Avenue will remain a designated shelter location for those affected by the power outage, providing flashlights, food, ice, water and shower facilities. Red Cross and CERT teams will remain at the shelter overnight. A hot dog lunch will be served on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.
Please remain cognizant of the following safety tips:
- Food that needs to be refrigerated, but has been without refrigeration for more than 4 hours should be thrown out.
- A full freezer without power can keep food safe for up to 48 hours; a half full freezer will hold food safely for 24 hours.
- Use flashlights at all times to maintain personal safety and prevent unnecessary accidents. Candles are a fire hazard.
Please follow @LongBeachCity on Twitter; Long Beach City on Facebook; use the #lbpwrout for updates. Also see www.longbeach.gov for more information. · Call the community hotline at 562-570-5905 to hear updated resource information.
Social media is the fastest way to stay up to date; follow @LongBeachCity on Twitter and the #lbpwrout. For emergencies, residents are urged to call 911.
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