Trees Planting to Occur in Downtown Long Beach This Weekend
Long Beach, CA
Downtown residents and visitors may start noticing new trees in the area as a tree planting is scheduled to occur this Saturday on Broadway, while another set of trees are in the process of being planted Downtown as part of the ongoing City Place shopping center renovation.
Tomorrow’s tree planting is community driven, and will take place between major corridors, Pine Avenue and Long Beach Boulevard. The tree planting is coordinated by the Long Beach Downtown Residential Council with its partner organization, the Promenade Area Residents Association.
Trees being planted near the City Place shopping center are part of the city’s larger efforts to revitalize the Downtown core.
“Anytime we see an opportunity to improve the Downtown area and help clean up the environment is a good thing,” said Eric Gray, past president of the Long Beach Downtown Residential Council and main coordinator of the tree planting. “I’m very grateful to the Downtown Long Beach Alliance, Convention and Visitors Bureau, Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, and Intertrend Communications for their support of this project.”
According to Gray, the Downtown Long Beach Alliance and the Convention and Visitors Bureau kicked in a total of $9,000 to financially support this project.
For more information on this tree planting, click here
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